In 2140, an infectious disease crashed the stability of humanity, rendering Earth uninhabitable. Humans have to discover another planet to avoid the extinction of all life on Earth. Bearing the hope of mankind, a squad of 10 brave scientists set out on their strenuous adventure on their spacecraft Gala XV to find a planet suitable for human colonization.
Years later, as Gala XV ran out of fuel, they crash-landed on a planet of arid desert in the depths of despair. Without enough fuel to continue their exploration, they had nothing else to do but settle down on this planet. Harena was what they named this desolate planet. As Harena was unsuitable for human activity, the scientists teleported their consciousness into the only creatures that could survive this dire condition - Meerkats.
500 years have elapsed since the crash, and now the Meerkats have stood tall and inherited the will of humankind, evolving into the most superior, intelligent creature in the universe. Kat civilization and progress are flourishing on Harena and the other neighboring planets as well.
The Meerkats have never forgotten the line of their ancient ancestors from whom their consciousness and wisdom are descended. Thus, they fostered this idea of "regenerating mankind" when they first inherited human consciousness.
Unfortunately, except for a few senior meerkats, most have gradually forgotten humanity. One day, they bumped into the crashed spaceship Gala XV, the relics; the aircraft was badly damaged, yet instantly recognizable with a scratch coming down from the vertex of the alphabet "V," it was due to this extended scratch mark that the Meerkats called themselves - GalaXY Kats.
The GalaXY Kats have long held onto the wish of "regenerating mankind" and they firmly believe that one day a hero will appear to rekindle their vision and mission to let humanity rise from the ashes once more.
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