

How to Get $XY

  • PVP: Players will compete in each PVP game season, and those who climb to the top of the leaderboard with good rankings will be entitled to a generous amount of $XY as a reward.

What $XY Is For

$XY (short for XY Token) is the native token of XY Finance. As for its purpose and utility, please refer to XY Finance Docs for further information.

The main purpose or function of $XY in the world of GalaXY Kats lies in:

  • Purchase of blind box: Blind boxes on our official website can all be purchased using $XY.

  • Change of NFT equipment: $XY can be used to pay the processing fee for changing the looks of NFTs at


How to Get $KAT

  • Gameplay in general: In both Story Mode and Infinite Mode, players will receive $KAT as their reward upon completing levels/tasks.

What $KAT Is For

$KAT (short for KAT Token) can be applied under the following scenarios:

  • Level up your account: Players will be able to upgrade their account by consuming a certain amount of $KAT while playing the game. Not only will $KAT enable the combat power of players to increase, but it can restore the stamina of the Meerkats and allow them to keep on fighting.

  • Forge new equipment: Forging in-game equipment and turning them into NFTs will only require $KAT. Gas fees will not be charged.

$KAT is an in-game token and cannot be withdrawn onto blockchains.

Last updated